Friday 8 January 2016

Concept Art Week 1 Rules

Concept Art: Underwater Troll


1. The troll must be fatty in anyway what so ever.
Why? Most trolls are commonly seen as kind of fattish slobs who eat meat and not much else, they have some muscle to them but more commonly appear to be rather pudgy.

2. The troll must not be handsome or have smooth features to them.
Why? Trolls are more commonly seen as ugly creatures with zero redeeming qualities that would make anyone want to see them. This cancels out any idea of a handsome troll clutching a water lily between this teeth beckoning you to dance.

3. The troll must be in one way or another cruel or evil or mean.
Why? Trolls are generally seen as  the bad guy in most pieces of media, be it games or movies or even books. I've read one book where the troll was a good guy and the rest were cruel to him because of it. It must visually state that it is evil using either clothing, facial expressions or something else.

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